Embodied Leadership Training

Embodied Leadership Training

In a world where the mind is king...

We believe the body possesses a different kind of intelligence that is available to us. And that to live and lead from the integration of mind and body gives us greater access to our complete potential.

We consider the difference between embodied and non-embodied leadership as the difference between trying to paint a masterpiece with only black and white versus having every colour of the spectrum available to you. When every colour is available, and you know when, how, and why to use each brush, what you create can have far greater depth, versatility, and impact.

Embodied leadership is an evolutionary step in leadership

Embodied leaders have a greater ability to sense themselves, others, and the moment, enabling better thinking and decision making.

They experience better relationships, heightened creativity, calm, ease and flow. 

ELT helps leaders and teams take concepts of leadership into an unquestionably embodied experience of leadership, highlighting the next evolution for each individual and the team.

Embodied leadership is an evolutionary step in leadership.

Embodied leaders will have greater ability to sense themselves, others and the moment, being able to make better decisions. They’ll experience better relationships. And they’ll have more creativity, calm, ease and flow in their work and in their teams. 

Embodied Leadership Training helps leaders and business teams take concepts of leadership into an unquestionably embodied experience of leadership, highlighting the next evolution for each individual and the team.


Kristian Stephan-Martin is a relationship and embodiment coach who has combined Western psychology and leadership teachings with eastern and holistic healing methods for over 10 years. He’s a TEDx speaker, Huffington Post featured, and continues to speak at conferences and retreats.

Madalyn is a professional Latin dancer, teacher, and embodiment facilitator. She is also the founder of Women’s Work, a dance-based therapy for women’s trauma and healing. The combination of her dance training and embodiment work makes her a master of presence, magnetism, teamwork and connection.

Together, their passion is bringing people back to their body, a place of wholeness, creativity, simplicity and power.
Kristian Stephan-Martin is a relationship coach, embodiment facilitator, and dance teacher who has combined Western psychology and leadership teachings with eastern and holistic healing methods for over 10 years. He’s given a TEDx Talk, been featured in the Huffington Post, and spoken at numerous conferences and retreats.

Madalyn is a professional Latin dancer, teacher, and embodiment facilitator. She is also the founder of Women’s Work, a dance therapy experience for women’s trauma and spiritual healing. The combination of her dance training and embodiment work makes her a master of presence, magnetism, team work and connection.

Together, their passion is bringing people back to their body, a place of wholeness, creativity, simplicity and power.